Thursday, December 27, 2007

Rocky? Rocky!

Watching the Chicago Blackhawks at home (and not being in the United Center, see what I did there? Cause the home games are ON THE FUCKING TV NOW, some at least) against Nadshville, I was briefly amused. Not because the Hawks won (bandwagon? Dunno), but because the Preds have Jason Arnott and Jordin Tootoo on the same line.

That sounds like a fun argument. "Arnott! Tootoo!"

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Keith? Keith who?

No big deal, I just wanted to pont out that Keith Olbermann's no. 1 pinch-hitter, Alison Stewart, is seriously hot.

No, this isn't a "Battle of the Newsbabes" or anything like that. However, if Alison, Liz Claman and Maria Bartiromo would care to battle each other for my pleasure, what am I going to do? Say no? that's not in keeping with the spirit of the season, is it?

So, ladies, battle away. Sigh. If you must. Preferably in wet nighties. Or wearing only trenchcoats.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mitt Faced

Hey, Mitt Romney! Over here, Daddy-O!

I see where you just went on TV after trying to pose like JFK, then said Americans need to be religious to, indeed, be Americans.

The way my agnostic-leaning-heavily-toward-atheist self sees this, I think I need you to do one of either two things for me, if you'd be so kind:

1)Recognize my formation of The Church of Mitt Sucks, and render me a tax-free organization.
2)Realize that, since I'm not a genuine American any more, you should pay my motherfucking taxes yourself, rich kid.